Friday, July 9, 2010

Olives and Avocados

Yes that is right! Liam love O's and A's just like his mommy. His father can not believe that now he is living in a house with two people who eat ewwie ewwie tasting foods. I do not think Sam can be around while Liam eats either of these two items because the look of disgust on his face might influence his son. And I just wont have that.

And because I said he couldn't, he started crawling 3 days ago. A little weary at first but now he is determined and picking up speed. We have had a few head plows into the ground with wails they can hear in space. I am so proud of my son.


  1. Love this photo from THPOE. :)

    And congrats to Liam for eating A's and O's...they aren't ewwie ewwie, they're fantastic.

  2. You are so smart. And I am smart too because I figured out THPOE after only saying it three times in my head.
