Friday, July 23, 2010

8 months and 22 days.

That is how long it took for Liam Xander Henry Daigle to sleep 8 hours straight during the night. HOLY COW this is a BIG deal. He has not slept longer than three hours in the past 5 months, he has never slept longer than 6 hours straight, never ever ever. I do not know what did it. Was it because it was the first night of his life where his reflux was not bothering him?, or gas pains?, or teething pains?, or growing pains? Was it because I put his pajama bottoms on first rather than his top like I usually do? Was it because he saw his cousin Bailey that night for dinner? was it because this Sahara that we live in actually cooled down enough so the air condition did not have to come on all night? was it because he took a shower instead of a bath? was it because ? was it because? was it because? We will probably never know. And tonight might be totally "normal" at our house. We might forget what this felt like to have woken up in the early morning and say "is he still breathing". Oh, if only I knew what we did that worked it's magic on our baby, then I could bottle it up and give it to him every single night.
Sweet Dreams Liam.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I will miss this.

Liam you are a little man filled with speed and screams and giggles that warm my heart. The world is your oyster right now and I love seeing you feel and learn all about what surrounds you.
I will miss how you love feeling the water come out of the spout.
I will miss how you claw at my face to feel every inch of it, including up my nose and in my mouth.
I will miss how you crawl to the dog bowls just to pick up the dog food.
I will miss how you sit and carefully pick at the carpet.
I will miss your first reactions to your first feels....the disgusted look on your face after touching your first feel of a tennis ball, the look of concern as you maneuver from carpeted ground to tile floor, the exasperation on your face when you felt your first wet noodle, the terror in your eyes when you were introduced to sand, or the silent cringe from your first feel on grass.
I will miss how you crawl to the tile in the kitchen just so you can slap it over and over and over.
I will miss how you turn over every little car or train you have, and you sit and play with the wheels because you like making them turn.
I will miss your first reactions to your first feels.... the look of delight as you squish pureed food through your fingers, the pleasure on your face from cuddling with a silky blanket, the shriek of happiness when having a handful of dog fur, the amazement at what a straw felt like in your hand.
I will miss how you let the doggies lick your hands over and over and you laugh out loud when it tickles.
I will miss how you love our Eskimo kisses, my hair tickling your face, your hand being kissed repetitively fast by my lips.
I will miss how you love your cheeks being nibbled on and your cheeks caressed and your forehead kissed and your back tickled and your bum patted.
I will miss the sense of wonder that is found in your finger tips.
I will miss these days when you felt your way around your world.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Lor Lor, Libby Lu, Little Liam, Jilly Bean, Reesey, Siddy, And Georgie.

These are my favorite kids in the whole world.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Olives and Avocados

Yes that is right! Liam love O's and A's just like his mommy. His father can not believe that now he is living in a house with two people who eat ewwie ewwie tasting foods. I do not think Sam can be around while Liam eats either of these two items because the look of disgust on his face might influence his son. And I just wont have that.

And because I said he couldn't, he started crawling 3 days ago. A little weary at first but now he is determined and picking up speed. We have had a few head plows into the ground with wails they can hear in space. I am so proud of my son.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence day

Happy 4th!.

First I must say that I Loathe living in the desert. Second I must say that I loath summer. Third I loathe my body in a bathing suit. Fourth I loathe public swimming area's.

So I sit here independently appreciating my freedom indoors with air condition and a cold soda. If the 4th was the 4th of October, I would be parading around the beach wearing stripes and setting off things that go Boom in the Night.

I can not be patriotic in the dead of summer. I can not.

It is not my fault. I do love our country, this is not meant to sound like I don't appreciate what today stands for....I just can not do summer holidays. I would not be happy about Christmas if it was in July. It's nothing against the holiday, I am against the month. I am against how hot it is where I live in the month of July. So really, this is just me saying I don't like where I live.


Now for the actual point of blogging today, My little Man is 8 whole months. And he is sporting his first tooth. His lower right central, (I looked it up ) :) And that thing is sharp, keeps him up all night (one of about 7 other issues), feels really pleasant on my boob, and warranted a trip to Babies R Us to pick up his first tooth brush. A milestone. Eeeeek.

He is doing so much around here, he maneuvers himself around and always ends stuck underneath the coffee table or the bed or with his hands in the dog bowls. He crawls like a madman. Only backwards though. It drives me crazy and breaks my heart. He will look at something in front of him and you can see that he wants to get to it, so he starts crawling but backwards and the whole time he is crawling further from the object he just wails in devastation. He has been crawling backwards for a month now, and if you were a fly on my wall you would see Liam's mommy and daddy on all four's trying to show him what to do. I think that is why he does not do it, he knows that once he does, mom and dad won't look as stupid. I think he looks so much like his daddy in this picture.