Thursday, February 16, 2012


Liam likes to do a little painting, so on his most recent day of paint I thought I would tell him to name his art work. I told him artists give names to what they create.
When he was finished with all of his work I held this piece out to him and asked him what this was a picture of and what did he want to call it.

The Blue Car
then I held out the second painting and asked him again, what will you call this one?

The Blue Car
And because he is so unpredictable, when asked what the third painting should be called he named it.........

The Blue Car

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Looks like we have years of moments like this to look forward to:

and some like this:

Friday, February 10, 2012

3 months

Jude August ~
I love you more than I could have dreamt possible. Life before you is now unimaginable. You are the perfect little baby, seriously you make me want a dozen more.
This was meant to actually be done at your 3 month birthday but we have all been so sick that I haven't had the energy or time to sit here and do this. So let's pretend, shall we.
Three months, you weigh 12 pounds 5 oz. You are sleeping up to 8 hours at one time! Holy cow! (Big brother took over a year to do that). You are rolling over from your belly to your back. You loooove tummy time. You will scope out the room until you locate where big brother is so you can watch him play. You giggle. And it's quite possibly the nicest sound this side of heaven. When we go out (which isn't often) everyone stops to comment on your red hair. You are content almost all of the time. Even the past three weeks that you have been sick with a cough and a cold you maintain a happy disposition. You will sit and coo to yourself for 30 min straight. You're already a story teller, I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I look at you and am reminded of God's perfection

Here you are right at 3 months old :)