Saturday, May 22, 2010


At the beginning of this month we took our first family vacation to Maui. We were so looking forward to it. Sam and I had been there together 4 years ago and had a wonderful time, we went parasailing and scuba diving and went to a luau. This time we stayed up all night, went for long scenic drives, and avoided the sun.

Our nights were not out and about enjoying the night life, they were in our little condo with a baby who could not sleep in his strange crib, in the room with the weird air condition unit humming a different sound than normal, and his mommy and daddy in the room with him. The kid is a light sleeper and so every time we turned he would hear the sheets rustling and would wake up screaming. The first morning we woke up and were so angry we flew to hawaii on vacation with a 6 month old. He promptly woke up every 45 minutes on the dot that first night. It did get better after that well anything is better than 45 minute naps all night long.

Our long scenic drives were not necessarily by choice we would head off to the beach or lunch or shopping and Liam would fall asleep in the back seat, now Sam and I have this rule that we never wake a sleeping baby, and most definitely not our sleeping baby. When Liam sleeps we take each moment as a gift from God and then sigh in exasperation that we are in a car and not able to go to sleep ourselves. So we would head out and Liam would fall asleep and we would drive and drive and drive. And drive and drive and drive. Seriously. 2 1/2 hours almost every day. At least the kid got some good naps in. And we saw almost every inch of that island. Yes even the roads that the rental car place forbids you to go on. SCARY roads. They are forbidden for a reason. I thought the road was going to kill me. And Sam thought I was going to kill him with all of my terrorizing gasps of fear. We lived. And we kept on driving.

We really had a wonderful time, and I am pretty sure that my husband is going to buy me a house there one day. As soon as they build a Target. ;)Liam hated the beach. Screamed and shook all over. Convulsed. Hated the sand. So we went in the pool. Hawaiian pools are much more tropical than ones in California so we did not mind. And I myself loathe sand so I am quite tickled that my son has one of my traits. The only one to date. I will take what I can get. Now when People say "oh he looks just like his father" I can respond with "yes but he hates the sand like his mother".