Sunday, December 27, 2009

O Holy Night

In this family we celebrate Christmas with such joy and gratitude in our hearts, for it is the birth of our Lord and Savior. We are so thankful that the Lord sent his son to earth so he could live and die for our sins. Sam and I are looking forward to Liam getting older and teaching him about why we celebrate Christmas and how truly wonderful a day it is. It is such a magical time of year, especially for children and we also are dying to see our little boy's face light up when he see's glimpses of the Christmas magic ( Christmas lights, Santa Clause, and presents under the tree). We have a few years until then so for now we relish in our newborn baby, the greatest gift we could have received this year.
We spent our Christmas Eve attending Church and relaxing at home watching Christmas movies, and thanking God for a quiet baby!
Christmas we woke up and Sam and I exchanged gifts while Liam slept through the morning. I got my husband a handful of gifts which he will be returning, and my husband got me Tupperware. haha
Liam woke up put his Santa Suit on and visited over the web through Skype with his Memere :) It was wonderful that we got to see and visit with her on Christmas. We later went over to my parents house and had dinner and visited with the family. It was a wonderful day and one we will remember forever, after all it was our first Christmas with our Son :)
We hope you all had a wonderful day filled with Family and the Lord's love.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

O Christmas Tree...

O' Christmas Tree O' Christmas Tree how Lovely are Thine Branches.....
How fun it was to have a new renewed reason to get excited about Christmas. Obviously Liam is way to young to ever remember this year or the next few, but his mommy and daddy will and that is what makes this so exciting. This week we headed out as a family and picked out a perfect Christmas Tree. It smells delicious now sitting in our living room. We wanted you all to share in this with us because most of you are so far away and will not be with us this Christmas so here is our journey.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Liam's 1 month photo's.

There are so many interests of mine that I would like to learn however most require schooling and
I do not have the time or the money at this point to go get myself a new career. Photography has always been something that I am interested in and I have this "idea" that maybe after years of self teaching I will be good enough to actually do this for my job. I know that it would benefit me to be a trained photographer but this will have to do for now.
So for my birthday Sam surprised me with a really nice camera to take such photos. I was so surprised and really excited to start playing around with it. So far it has been fun for me and Sam to experiment with pictures and now editing. I never thought it would be something we would do together but it is, and we both have a new hobby.
Liam is not the easiest subject to take pictures of but this is what we got...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

One month

Oh my, it has been a month? So crazy! It seems like Liam will be crawling soon at this rate! Every day has been such a blessing and a learning lesson. I feel like things are slowly getting more "normal". We are learning Liam every day, the way he cry's differently for different things, how he likes to be held, what he likes to look at. He is such a joy. Absolutely. Right now he resembles his father in every way. He has Sam's hairline, his lips, his chin, even his toes. His precious little toes look like exact miniature version's of Sam's bigger (hairier) toes. :) I think right now he might just possibly have my ear lobes. Ha. He has a dimple in his left cheek and I think as he starts to smile and move his face more it will become more apparent. It is one of my favorite things about him. Liam seems to love being talked to, tummy time, being sung to, bath time, car rides and going on walks in his stroller, and especially being held. He seems to dislike diaper changes, the lack of promptness of food when he wakes up, getting dressed, and being laid down for bed time before he is good and asleep. Last night he only woke up to eat every 4 hours. Which is the longest he has ever went. And I feel like a new person with my collective bundle of hours I was able to sleep. We both miss Sam at night when he is at work. Maybe Liam does not know he misses him, but he does. Sam and I are so blessed and so in love with our family.