Friday, April 15, 2011


It has been awhile, but it is time for another three from the D3

Three exciting events coming up in Liam's life ~
1. In a week we are headed out to Hawaii! I am super excited about heading back there with our little man, you can look back at our first visit to Maui with him last year. This time we are going to Kauai. It is my favorite island so I am just itching to get there. I am also super nervous to take the little man over there and you can refer to that same post for why that would be. Here is to hoping that he sleeps at night, enjoys the beach, and that we have a wonderful time as a family.

2. Liam is actually going to become a Bostonian in just a few short weeks. We are packing up our little family of three and moving East. This is something that we have been looking forward to for a long time and we are excited for the adventure that we are about to go on. We have no idea how long we will live there, but hopefully Liam gets a chance to experience and enjoy the amazing seasons, the fantastical Italian food, and hoping that he somehow misses out on the "pahking the cah"accent. ;)

3. And saving number three for last because of course three is the best of these numbers. Until there was four.
Liam is about to become a big brother. In just a few 6 months our family will have one more little heart to love, one more little soul to care for. I already know that Liam is going to cherish this baby so much. I can't even begin to imagine how much bigger my heart is going to swell when I meet our little 4.
This is 4. I believe this picture does not begin to give his/her little inch and a 1/2 self, justice.