Saturday, October 22, 2011


is such a small word to sum up everything that a marriage encompasses
but it tries
really hard to do just that

I more than love you
you are my best friend
the consummate partner (consummate, being used as an adjective)
my teammate in everything that we do

thank you for taking the time to surprise me with Frappucinos on days you know I am tired
thank you for rubbing my feet every night for the past nine months
thank you for cleaning the toilets and making casseroles and for our children
thank you for being so literally literal that we can laugh about it

thank you for moving me to a place where autumn is a real season
thank you for 5 years of telling me it's an honor to be my husband

it's more than an honor being your wife
it's a job ;)

love you

Friday, October 21, 2011

Dear Bebe Deux,
I can't wait to lay my eyes on you.
The anticipation of meeting you grows more and more intense every single day.
I know what that moment of meeting your child feels like, because I have been blessed with your big brother.
But the moment I will meet you will be as profound and unbelievable in its own, because you are you.
I have longed to know you, far longer than the 9 months I have shared my body with you.
I already have your heart fused together with mine.
Whatever our story will be together, I will write it with you.
You will make our little family, a family of four. And we will be all the better because of it.

Love, Mommy

Thursday, October 20, 2011


A couple weekends ago we were fortunate enough to have gotten away from the "city" and head off to Cape Cod for a baby moon. As a gift (tremendously nice gift ) from my brother Tim and his wife Cindy, we stayed at the Wequassett Inn. Which is beyond impressive, and we were treated like movie stars. Seriously.

The housekeeper actually brought gifts to our room for Liam.
From her.
I have never heard of such a thing.

It was so nice to get away to the Cape as locals call it, or the Cod as my friend Emily refers to it.

It is beautiful, relaxing, serene, and magical. We plan to go back in the future to share visits to the Cape with our children.

It was my birthday while we were there, and our baby moon, but the only one who made it into the photographs was little Liam. He is the only one worth seeing, anyway.

It was chilly and wet, which made the beach fantastic! My son and I definitely enjoy the beach better when you are fully dressed in sweaters and rain boots :)

Throwing rocks into the water, a new obsession.

Liam loves his rain boots so much, they even get worn around the house to dress up his pajamas

We spent one morning combing the beach for shells and Sam found this crab shell.
Thank you T and C, for our getaway and for giving us these memories that we will cherish forever!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

To my First born

Liam, your life is about to change in a way that none of us can really understand at this point. You are going to be a big brother, and with that you might feel your place in our family shift a bit and have difficulty understanding why this baby is apart of our dynamic now. I am worried for you, I have cried many nights filled with fear about how you will take this.
I know that you will be the best big brother. You have so much love in you.

I don't want you for one second to feel like you are any less special or feel left out. Liam, you made me a mother. And for that there will always be something very special between you and I. You showed me how to love deeper than I thought possible. You changed the path of my life in the most wonderful way.
I am beyond blessed that I have been entrusted to take care of you while on earth
Knowing you is knowing joy. And hope. And love. Unconditionally.

Being your mother is the greatest thing I have ever known.
You will always be my baby. I love you so so so very much, little guy. I will never stop being in awe of you.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our first few months in New England

We have taken a few day trips into Boston. Our first family day there we took Liam to the Children's museum. He was fascinated with the room filled with bubbles, and took some time to draw and stamp in the art room. But nothing that museum could have offered would have been more impressive to him than a train table.

We have taken many walks down to the duck pond by our place. Liam always wants to hold the bread as we walk, and yes by time we get there he has usually snacked a bit.

this was a snacking day

we celebrated Sam on fathers day with a chocolate cake
and we spent the 4th of July in Marblehead, one of the cutest towns in our area.

We are so happy with our decision to move out here and experience this journey together as a family.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sams Sox

Now that we are Bostonians this team will be viewed as many things in our house. One of us will view it as the greatest team ever, worthy of everything. One of us will view it as the team that filled his childhood with baseball memories. And one of us will view it as the other woman.
But for now we all view it as the way we spent Sam's birthday, taking a grand tour of Fenway Stadium, the first of baseball.

Cherishing our 3
Anticipating the 4th
My loves

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Special Plate

Every child in our house will grow up eating off of their own special plate that they painted as a young child. A couple of months ago Liam created his. Our little Monet took it very seriously, as he does with everything, and he applied his artistic ability to a plate that I hope will hold many a special meal. This will be the plate that holds his rainbow pancakes served on his birthday morning. This will be the plate that he eats dinner off of to celebrate special occasions such as the first and last day of the school year and the special days in between where we want him to feel recognized for his special place in our family.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Autumn is the Daigles favorite time of the year. So we plan weeks in advance where we are going to go to find those perfect pumpkins and gourds that will fill up our table tops through the season. This year we went to Honey Pot Hills, and it was quite magical. Nearly everything about New England in the fall is, so we were not disappointed at all. Even when the pumpkin patch was much smaller than somebody in the family was expecting.

Liam was an apple picking pro. Daddy D gave a quick lesson and L took to it right away.

He was genuinely this happy after was pulled from the tree.
And both of my babies at the pumpkin patch.