Thursday, February 10, 2011

today alone...

Some days you amaze me even more than others, if that could even be possible. But today is one of those far all before 11:30 you have said penis, while touching the correct body part. You have grabbed the remote control and pushed record when Olivia your favorite TV show came on. When it was time for breakfast you had me pick you up and you pointed to the cabinet for a bowl, and then picked out which box of cereal you would eat, and then you fed yourself your whole bowl. (we do not eat cereal every morning, so I was impressed that you knew what you wanted today, you went with apple jacks). You ate a little bite of a dog treat. I turned on the faucet to wash your mouth out but you put your hand under the stream of water and brought your wet hand into your mouth to rinse yourself. While playing mega blocks with your daddy he asked you to go across the room and pick up the blue block, and even though it was in the midst of red and green and yellow you picked up the one blue block and brought it to him. You said orange for the first time. The phone started ringing and you ran to grab it and started pushing buttons to answer it. You also attempted your first real nose pickin' :)

I love you my incredible child.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

his long locks are gone....

They won't be calling you little girl anymore.

As hard as this was for me to do, I did it for you baby.

You're welcome.

You are the handsomest little man. And I love you.

And yes, I have the whole haircut saved in a ziploc bag.

I will show it to the first girl you bring home. Just to let her know I am crazy.