Friday, July 23, 2010

8 months and 22 days.

That is how long it took for Liam Xander Henry Daigle to sleep 8 hours straight during the night. HOLY COW this is a BIG deal. He has not slept longer than three hours in the past 5 months, he has never slept longer than 6 hours straight, never ever ever. I do not know what did it. Was it because it was the first night of his life where his reflux was not bothering him?, or gas pains?, or teething pains?, or growing pains? Was it because I put his pajama bottoms on first rather than his top like I usually do? Was it because he saw his cousin Bailey that night for dinner? was it because this Sahara that we live in actually cooled down enough so the air condition did not have to come on all night? was it because he took a shower instead of a bath? was it because ? was it because? was it because? We will probably never know. And tonight might be totally "normal" at our house. We might forget what this felt like to have woken up in the early morning and say "is he still breathing". Oh, if only I knew what we did that worked it's magic on our baby, then I could bottle it up and give it to him every single night.
Sweet Dreams Liam.


  1. I remember the first night Ruby slept through the nine and a half months..and I had the same horrible feeling when I woke up in the morning, is she still breathing?

  2. I think it was Bailey....I think Bailey laid hands on him and transposed his sleeping power to Liam. Sorry we can't help everyday.
