Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Month

Two months, BABY!
Oh how he has grown! Literally and figuratively. He is still a pretty "petite" baby as the doctor says. He now weighs 9 lbs 11 oz. Just one oz shy of being exactly three pounds heavier than his birth weight. This week I am packing up his newborn clothes (tear) I have been squeezing him into them these past few days just so he can wear them one more time each. He helps me out by dirtying his clothes which often leads to multiple outfit changes a day. Three days ago we went through 5! I am sad to see his little clothes leave his drawers and closet but I am sure his knees will appreciate being able to stretch out again!
Liam is now smiling and cooing quite often. And it just warms my heart how sweet he looks and sounds. There is truly nothing better in the world than walking up to your baby and see his smile when he recognizes his mommy and daddy! I love watching him interact with Sam. Every morning when Sam gets home from work they have daddy and baby time. And at night Sam feeds him his evening bottle so they can bond together. And yes my man helps me put him to sleep at night. Has gone with me to every doctor appt. Wakes up during his evenings off to help change Liam. I know this post is about Liam but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate my helpmate. I do not know how any mother could do this alone.
Some days are truly smooth and wonderful and I feel like my head is screwed on tight again. Today being one of them. Others take us on a whirlwind blast to the first days home. Yesterday being one of those. Every day is so entirely different than the last and once we think we have a routine going with him, Liam likes to change his mind and throw us for a loop.
We like to refer to him as our Zero to Ten baby, because he can be totally at peace and then when he wants something he goes straight to a 10 crying. We stole the term from our pediatrician who pegged his personality right away with this term. And today when describing his lack of sleeping during the day she said he has a hard time going down when things are going on around him because he is "nosy". Again she hit it on the nose. Liam acts like he can't bear to close his eyes in fear he will miss out on something. I find God's humor in this and smile along with him, well try to smile along because gosh I am exhausted!
Well I hear the little one stirring so I must go pick up the "nosy" one and fill him in on what he has missed this past hour.