Wednesday, January 11, 2012


You know your babe is really no longer a babe when he has ichat dates with his bestie.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

my boys

you are so smart, kind, silly, and serious

you love all planes, trains, and automobiles

you finally put yourself to sleep

you finally allow mommy to trim your finger nails

you can play by yourself for hours

you always ask to hold your brother

you pick up books and pretend to read from them

you dance, my how you dance

you are developing your own set of fears

like the lint from your socks floating in the bathtub

and any loud noise that starts abruptly

you are obsessed with "The Polar Express"

you talk about it, watch it, and talk about it some more

I often forget that you are just barely two years old. And then I am reminded by your gibberish and lack of communication abilities :) You are so observant and sometimes it blows me away with what you have picked up on. We got you a toy kitchen for Christmas and you can stand in front of that thing and pretend like you are cooking, pushing microwave buttons and turning the dial of the stove like its something that was taught to you. Your understanding of the world around you and what is happening in the moment is becoming more apparent. When we were driving you to your "surprise" last week, we made sure to not mention what it was. We were driving in the car and just saying things like "you are going to love your surprise", we had to drive for a good hour and as we were getting closer I asked you if you could guess what your surprise was. And like a full on big boy you asked if it was the Polar Express, and then you had the deepest, happiest belly laugh that you have ever had in your life. You guessed right, and you have been talking about it ever since. Making you that happy again will be my life's mission.


you are the happiest baby

you smile all day

you love your pacifier

you pass gas like a champ

you love the sound of water

you love to listen to music

you love being swaddled

held tight

and kissed a million times over

I can't believe that you have been in this world for nearly 2 1/2 months. Every day has been a better day because of you. You fit in our family like the fourth wheel on a car. Neither the car nor we would be complete without that fourth part. You are already so different from your big brother. Not just physically but in personality as well. At just over 2 months you weigh 12 lbs 6 oz. You love eating, and most recently you have become quite keen on sleeping. Hallelujah.
I love you more with each passing day.

Every night as my head hits my pillow I feel an overwhelming flutter inside my chest. I can literally feel my heart expanding, trying to wrap itself around all of the love I have for you. I lay there listening to the breathing of both of you, one in our room, the other through the monitor. I thank God for another day that I have been given to be your mommy, and whisper in the darkness to your father "I love our children so much". You my boys are the best things to end my days thinking about, and absolutely the best things to wake up in the morning to.

Love, Your Mom.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Some wonderful words will be written soon but for now if you want to see more of this sweet face check out his newborn photos!