Wednesday, April 25, 2012

6. months.


You are perfect
And I am so very glad to call you my little boy

You have tried peas, carrots and prunes. None of which you seem to be crazy about.
You roll around on the floor like a maniac. I often set you down, only moments later to find you 4 feet away.

You love your brother, and when he walks into a room you just light up. You will literally strain your neck in whatever way you have to just to catch a glimpse of him.

You love to laugh. A deep belly laugh, that delights my soul.
You love to kick your feet in the water during bath time.

You can put yourself to sleep!

You are getting better at car rides, and I love you even more for that.
You love kisses, and tickles, and being sung to.

I don't know exactly how heavy you are at this moment, but I know that you are a growing boy and started to wear 6 month clothing about three weeks ago.

You love playing, and chewing on toys.
And playing hide and seek with your brother.

I can't say it enough, but you are seriously the best baby ever.
I am only weeks away from loosing your gummy smile and your immobility and I can barely stand it. Time goes way to quickly and you are growing and thriving in every way you should be.

I am so honored to know you. And to be apart of your life in this role of your mother.
I find myself just staring at you, completely in awe of you.

I have big plans for you today, kid.

We will celebrate with peaches. Then we will do some jumping in the jumper. A good long nap, or two or three for you. And a billion kisses on your sweet face.

Happy half birthday, baby.

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