Saturday, September 25, 2010


I never knew either one of my grandfathers as a child. There was once a man friend of my Grandma Henry that I adored as one, but he too passed when I was super young. I am really happy that Liam has my dad as his grandfather. He is the only one he will ever have. And that is going to be so special to Liam. I can not wait to watch him grow up and love this man he will call Pappie.

Pappie was the first person to arrive to the hospital when I was in labor and he waited for 11 hours before heading home (exhausted) at 2:30 in the morning. Liam was born an hour later. Pappie came to the hospital every single day to visit his grandson. He would not hold him, because little newborns scare him, but look how proud he was.

Here they are together last April when Liam was 5 1/2 months. Pappie always talks in his famous Irish accent when he is with Liam. They both have a little dimple on the left side of their face. When we are at home and I show him pictures of Pappie Liam smiles and talks to him. He is always excited to see my dad when we go to his house to visit.

Here they are just last week, Liam 10 1/2 months. It makes me cry just looking at this picture. It is going to be framed and put in his room. I love my dad so very much, and I look forward to collecting pictures of them together.

I love you dad. He loves you Pappie.


  1. Pappie sounds like a great man, if he raised you then I know he would have to be. Loves.

    ps. is that who you learned your accents from? I'd love to hear the two of you together.

  2. This is a fantastic tribute to your awesome dad.

    I love awesome dads.

  3. Gosh, you kill me with these posts. Tears every time. :) What a beautiful family you have.
