Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Liam' ; mois de s troisième

Liam's THIRD month =),
This little bambino is growing like a weed. His hair is coming in and although we can not tell exactly what color it will be yet, we know for sure it feels like peach fuzz and a lot of head rubbing goes on in this house. His eye color is still a bright blue and although we do not know if this will be his permanent eye color, we know for sure that as of right now they are the exact same color as my father's. He likes to keep his hands and toes clenched tight. He loves his bath time with his rubber ducky and smiles while you wash his hair. He will have conversations with you with expression in his coo's that lead you to believe that he knows exactly what he is talking about. His ears stick out and I like to nibble on them. His cheeks are so plump that when he has his head down they hang down and touch his chest. His belly is so round he looks like a miniature Santa Clause. He likes to kick all blankets off of him, grab fist fulls of mommy's hair and pull, he loves music and is the only person on earth who would want to listen to me sing for extended periods of time.
At three months he is 11lbs 7 oz. And I am expecting my muscles to start showing any time now :). His bedtime is around 7 and he is pretty good about going down for it now. It used to take us three hours to get him down for the night and now the longest it has taken is 1 hour. Once he is asleep he has a nice 6 hour sleep wakes up eats and then goes back down anywhere from3 -5 more hours and then eats again and has another quick little sleep. Naps during the day are currently what he is fighting us on. He just does not want to close his eyes and miss out on, the car ride, the stroller walk, the green paint on the walls in his bedroom. He wants to know what is happening everywhere. And oddly enough, at night he sleeps with his bedroom door closed but once it is day time he wont sleep unless the door is open. Whatever works at this point is what we go for. He is not a very large baby and still fits into some of his 0-3 month clothing but we are adjusting his wardrobe to the next size up. I can not believe that a quarter of his first year has blurred past us. I am not sure why I am bad at time management but I really must be because I can not seem to write more often. Even now the bebe is asleep in my arms as I type this.

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