Thursday, February 4, 2010

I will miss this....

When I am just sitting down to put my feet up after spending the last 20 minutes putting my baby to sleep, and he wakes up again crying.
When I just get Liam cleaned up and dressed and he spits up and he needs an outfit change after 5 minutes in the other one.
When I have him completely bathed and I am wrapping his towel around him and he pees on himself.
When he will not stop screaming, no matter what I do to calm him down.
When I am up for the 3rd time during the night and I am so tired I can not see straight.
When I am juggling a screaming baby in my arms while I try to make myself a quick something to eat.
When I have bounced, rocked, and walked, Liam and I know longer remember a time before back pain.
When I am just sitting down to put my feet up after spending the last 20 minutes putting my baby to sleep, and he wakes up again crying. And again crying. And again crying.

I just think to myself.....I will miss this....

I know one day Liam will be a little boy, teenager, young adult, who will not need his mommy to coax him back to sleep and ...I will miss this....
He will no longer need me the way he needs me now. And at the times when it seems like this is wearing me down, and I have run out of patience, I just think...I will miss this...
So as hard as it may seem to put him to sleep or have him out of my arms long enough for me to do something (like eat) or my back is breaking from all the bouncing, I am happy to have this time with him. Happy to be his mommy. Happy to be his comfort, to be his familiar, and to be his Happy.
Happy that he needs me, because one day he will need me in a different way and I will miss this time when he was small enough to cradle in my arms and all he needed was to be rocked to sleep.

I will miss all of this.

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