Wednesday, November 24, 2010



you "rawr" like a dinosaur

you shake your head "yes" or "no" when asked a question.

you prefer shaking your head "no".

you could live off a diet of mandarin oranges and olives.

you can make the sign for milk in sign language.

you crawl to the bottom of the stairs and call out for your sleeping dadda all day long.

you scream like a wild banshee when I try to cut your finger nails.

you walk.

you love to stare out windows.

you sing yourself to sleep sometimes.

you scream yourself to sleep sometimes.

you somehow turn every object into a car and make vroom sounds.

you say (some form of) cheese, chip, oranges , grapes, milk, juice, this, that, momma, dadda, doggie, horse, sock, shoe, book, vacuum and uh-oh.

you whisper Shhhh all day long.

you point out every nose you see while we read picture books together.

you wipe down surfaces with a napkin or wipe.

you ask to see the vacuum every day.

you talk to the vacuum every day.

you cuddle when you are sleepy.

you make my heart grow bigger every day.

you I love.


  1. Love you all. This is wonderful.

  2. Love this!!! It's such a privilege to be a mama and know these precious things about our little ones. xoxoxo
