Thursday, September 8, 2011

My little man

Liam, you absolutely amaze me. Everyday is an adventure with you.

Every morning (when you call out to your daddy to come get you) I enter your room and receive the sweetest sounding HI, and then you continue to ask for daddy.

You talk about the "Blue Car" all day. Everyday. You ask to go drive in it as I am putting you down for your nap, when you wake up you are asking if we are going in the blue car, when I say Daddy is at work you ask if he took the blue car. I think you get the picture.

When I say we are going to take the dogs for a walk you say "leash" and you run to get it and your shoes.

You have taken a fondness to Kingsley, and you ask where he is all day. You demand I call him into your room before nap time so you can hug him.

You like to pick the strangest things to sleep with. Two little cars are the usual choice. But on the best days you choose to fall asleep holding a book.

You point out every car you see on the road while driving. You point out every car you see on T.V. And if you know that in the book we are reading there is a picture of a car coming up you try to hurry through the book to get to that page and then you don't want to turn past it.

While reading books you do the same if there is a horse, from that page on it is "horse, horse" and every time I try to turn the page you scream. Some books don't ever get finished thanks to horses and cars.

You ask to read books everyday.

You color or draw every day. You take it very seriously. Our tub gets decorated with washable crayons and our coffee table gets decorated with permanent pen.

You ask for Chocolate Milk everyday. "Choco Mill"

Hats are a big thing for you. If a toy has a non-removable hat, it is the end of the world for you. You love it when daddy wears a hat and you love putting hats on yourself.

You try to sing along to songs. And you dance your little heart out.

When we walk out of our front door you always turn to look back inside and you wave and yell bye bye.

When we get out of the car you always say " Bye Car" and wave sadly.

You still demand to be rocked to sleep. I can't even let you scream, for fear of what the lady across the hall will do about it.

I tend to smother you with kisses throughout the day, and you usually respond with "no tiss, no tiss"

And the best thing about you right now, at different times throughout the day you take my face in both of your hands and you kiss me all over. This totally makes up for all of the times you scream at me to stop kissing you.

And even though I complain about having to still rock you, I just might every now and then, hold you a few minutes longer than need be. Staring down into your beautiful baby face, and trying to hold onto these moments with everything that I have.

1 comment:

  1. The picture is beautiful. He is looking like a boy and not a baby anymore! Good thing you are having another one!
